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10 Points Why Human Resources Are Essential For Every Organisation

Posted by Admin on December, 20, 2021

For every company to thrive smoothly, it is quite essential that the employee’s recruitment, financial requirements, grievances, and resignations should be handled by the human resources team. It may seem like a department with limited responsibilities. But, only a human resource team is the back-bone in handling crises and involved in the smooth functioning of a company or business. The tiny but crucial details of an employee are handled by the human resource team. In this article let us shed some light on the functionalities of a human resource department.

Staffing Consultation: The foremost and most important role of a human resource team is that an organisation relies on them for hiring new candidates. This is done to maintain the manpower adequacy in the company. These days many employment consultancies are handed this job for stress-free work culture. The entire recruitment process can be handled by an external agency.

Financial Benefits: The human resources team is assigned the task of ensuring the financial benefits of the company's employees. Beginning with monthly payments, bonuses, yearly leaves, sick leaves, travel allowances, etc. the human resource team handles all. The medical health benefits for any illness of the employee or his family members are also the responsibility of this department.

Employee Resignation: The resignation of employees is a common feature in every company. But, the storage and maintenance of important documents regarding the identity, performance, and conduct of the employee are under the care of human resource. This is done to avoid any unexpected query from a designated authority following any untoward incident.

Hikes For Suitable Candidates: There could be some good performers in the company who need attention and hikes. In many instances, it is seen that ignoring them has resulted in getting their resignation and moving out for a better job. Here, once again the human resource plays a major role to retain the most deserving candidates for the interest of the organisation.

Training And Personnel Development: With the swift-paced world, the growth in technology has been fast. The latest developments should be embedded with the employee's skills to expect better productivity from them. Constant training programs and personnel development sessions are mandatory for the growth of the organisation in the long run.

Legal Matters: There are many laws regarding labour unions and their work. To keep at par the legal formalities, the human resource department is assigned the judicial custody of the company. Lawyers and attorneys are hired in multinational companies to handle crises leading to the instability of a company. Legal matters are quite crucial in obtaining a clean image of the company.

Protection Of Human Rights: This is the other side of the coin, the employee’s rights are protected by the human resources team. It is only a human resource team that decides to what extent a human right should be exercised or curtailed. The handbook of all human rights and their violations is judged impartially by the human resources.

Transportation And Fooding: The human resource department is responsible to help employees come to the company at the scheduled time as well as depart after working hours. Food breaks in factories where a large number of labourers are involved are provided to give refreshments and recreation for better output of work.

Employee Satisfaction: This is an important aspect ruling almost all companies in India. The satisfaction of employees plays a major role in the duration of stay or tenure of work in the company. Apart from the regular benefits, an employee needs some productive time to relax from the monotonous routine of company work. Extra-curricular activities are organised to help the employee feel relaxed and homely.

Hassle-Free Taxation: During the annual return filing of tax on the basis of income, several agencies and technologies are put together to generate a smooth tax-paying service. It might involve boring documentation procedures and mathematical calculations. These unnecessary headaches are handled neatly by the human resources as they are well-adept in these processes.

The role and involvement of human resource has always been fascinating and challenging too. In recent days, a trend has been seen in the hiring of employment consultancy in Mumbai for taking care of such roles. But little does it matter as the input and concern of the human resource team is always an important contribution to the organisation's work. Hire the best human resources or consultancy for a long-time outcome of a good and healthy working environment. Because only an active human resource team can ensure the desired functioning of a company.

This entry was posted on December, 20, 2021 at 12 : 37 pm and is filed under Employment Services. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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